Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pada Pemilah Sampah Otomatis Berbasis Internet Of Things Menggunakan Aplikasi Blynk

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Ginas Alvianingsih
Tri Wahyu Oktaviana Putri
Pratiwi Maharani


Currently, waste is a dilemma in every country, both developing and developed countries. Transporting waste from Temporary Disposal Sites to Final Disposal Sites with slow garbage trucks can cause waste accumulation. For this reason, a system is needed that can provide notifications to officials to immediately go to a full trash can and transport the waste to the Final Disposal Site. This study aims to design and build a garbage level monitoring system that is applied to garbage containers in an Automatic Waste Sorting Equipment. This monitoring system is installed on metal, organic, and inorganic waste containers consisting of three HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors attached to each of these waste containers. This system is controlled by a microcontroller that can connect to the internet, namely NodeMCU ESP8266. Monitoring the height of trash cans can be done anywhere using a device that has the Blynk application installed. From the results of the test, it is known that the system can measure the height of the waste in real-time from a distance of 0 to 25 cm. The monitoring system can also send notifications when the trash container is full up to 1 km of testing.

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How to Cite
Alvianingsih, G., Putri, T. W. O., & Maharani, P. (2023). Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pada Pemilah Sampah Otomatis Berbasis Internet Of Things Menggunakan Aplikasi Blynk. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from