Peranan Jenis Akar Tunggang dan Serabut pada Media Bioretensi Buatan terhadap Proses Infiltrasi

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Endah Lestari
Eko Sulistiyo
Yulisya Zuriatni


Environmental degradation is characterized by the loss and destruction of land cover vegetation in the catchment area, river silting due to sedimentation, narrowing of river channels and river normalization. This provides a major role in reducing the function of water infiltration into the soil. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of vegetation on the infiltration capacity of surface runoff and the hydrological performance of the bioretention system. Bioretention is a small locally made wetland. The research method is by conducting experimental analysis in testing the time of water infiltration into the soil. Bioretention tub is in the form of a box with dimensions of Length 276mm x width 236mm x height 420mm. There are four tubs with a composition of soil and sand and two types of vegetation roots, namely fiber and taproot with a composition of 100% soil and 50% soil 50% sand. From the test results obtained surface runoff discharge from a simple bioretention model. When conditions are unsaturated and water-saturated, the lowest runoff discharge is in the combined soil model with a ratio of 50:50 quartz sand and 100% soil with fibrous-rooted plant media is 0.00 liters/second (no runoff in 1x24 hours). It can be concluded that fibrous roots have the maximum ability to help absorb water into the soil.

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How to Cite
Lestari, E., Sulistiyo, E., & Zuriatni, Y. (2023). Peranan Jenis Akar Tunggang dan Serabut pada Media Bioretensi Buatan terhadap Proses Infiltrasi. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from