Analisis Traveling Salesman Problem menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization

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Audi Nathanael G


The Traveling Salesman Problem is a problem of finding tour cycles that visit all cities exactly once in a given set of cities and return to their place of origin. One of the shortest route search algorithms is the ant colony algorithm. The author found the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, which is an algorithm that uses the behaviour of ants to find the shortest route by performing continuous calculations, and changes are adapted in real-time. The results obtained from this study, using the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, obtained the fastest time of 18.9887 seconds.

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How to Cite
G, A. (2023). Analisis Traveling Salesman Problem menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from