Perancangan Kriteria Desain Transformator Menggunakan Grafik User Interface ( Gui Matlab ) Berdasarkan Proyeksi Beban Pada Jaringan 20 KV

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Christine Widyastuti
Adri Senen
Oktaria Handayani


Electricity Planning is a crucial step that must be taken to prepare for the yearly growth in electricity demand. To be able to supply power with quality following standards, planning for electricity needs to be balanced with planning for installing equipment such as transformers and distribution substations. In this study, the graphical user interface (GUI) Matlab program is used to project the rise of electricity demand in the Tangerang Region during the next 10 years. Additionally, the built program can automatically calculate the number of transformers, their capacities, and whether additional distribution substations are required in a given location. The growth of the electricity load for each region in Indonesia varies greatly, therefore the advantages of the GUI program created can help plan electricity demand for a region by knowing the estimated load growth according to the area to be discussed. Based on research results, the demand for electricity load in the Tangerang Region for the next 10 years will reach 12 MVA, requiring an additional distribution transformer capacity of 1.7 MVA and 7 units and the addition of 7 distribution substations.

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How to Cite
Widyastuti, C., Senen, A., & Handayani, O. (2023). Perancangan Kriteria Desain Transformator Menggunakan Grafik User Interface ( Gui Matlab ) Berdasarkan Proyeksi Beban Pada Jaringan 20 KV. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from