Pemanfaatan Chatbot untuk Mendukung Proses Percakapan Interaktif pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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Ananda Arya Pratama
Safitri Jaya


The Covid-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia had an impact on the community in carrying out normal interactions. With the enactment of restrictions on activities, including in providing direct services, a technology-based solution is needed. Chatbot is an implementation of application-based technology that can simulate or imitate human-like conversations via text messages. The role of the chatbot is to help users carry out the question and answer process through machine-human interaction. This method is considered to be able to help the community to get remote services, in accordance with government directives. Apart from that, chatbots also have the advantage of providing services to users 24 hours a day, this certainly makes it easy for users who need services during the Covid period. In this study, to support interactive conversation processes through chatbots, a string matching algorithm, namely the Brute Force Algorithm, is applied to detect strings input via text messages. The results of the matching made to these strings help the chatbot in carrying out its duties to provide services to users.

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How to Cite
Pratama, A., & Jaya, S. (2023). Pemanfaatan Chatbot untuk Mendukung Proses Percakapan Interaktif pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from