Mekanisme Pemantauan Kinerja Progam Studi Melalui Pencapaian Rencana Operasional Tahunan Menggunakan Dashboard Manajemen

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Alexander Mario Gracias Wago
Rayhan Baihaqi
Safitri Jaya
Ida Nurhaida


Study program performance can be measured based on the achievement of the Annual Operational Plan targets through Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Annual Budget Activity Plans (RKAT). This is part of the implementation of the study program's internal quality assurance system. Monitoring mechanisms for performance achievement are usually monitored and evaluated periodically by management and quality managers. The availability of a system to carry out the monitoring process can make it easier for management to obtain strategic information about the performance of study programs, can predict the level of progress of study programs and can carry out decision-making processes. This study aims to provide a study program performance monitoring system through a management dashboard. The system was developed using the CodeIgniter framework, the PHP programming language, the MYSQL database and the Linear Sequence system development methodology. Through the management dashboard, one can see the achievement of study program performance through visualization of graphs and tables on KPI and RKAT periodically.

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How to Cite
Wago, A., Baihaqi, R., Jaya, S., & Nurhaida, I. (2023). Mekanisme Pemantauan Kinerja Progam Studi Melalui Pencapaian Rencana Operasional Tahunan Menggunakan Dashboard Manajemen. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from