Pembuatan Layanan Pemesanan Jasa Pada Situs Portal Yayasan Karya Tunanetra Peduli Bangsa

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Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid
Meilia Nur Indah susanti
Indrianto Indrianto
Dewi Arianti Wulandari,S.Kom
MMSI, Herman Bedi Agtriadi
Rahmad Evan
Irfan Sembiring


As a form of responsibility in the tri dharma of higher education, one of which is the implementation of community service activities, the  Institut Teknologi PLN is here to be able to help problems that exist in the community, one of which is at the Blind Foundation. Based on statistical data released by the Central Statistics Agency, 6.4% of the population of lndonesia experienced vision disorders in accordance with the Inter-Census Population Survey, the number of blind people in lndonesia reaches 3.75 million people and continue to soar by the rate of increase population in lndonesia which currently has reached 1.2% per year. Karya Tunanetra Peduli Bangsa Foundationis a blind foundation that has been established since 2017 with members of around 400 visually impaired spread across Jabodetabek & Bandung, this service aims to market the talents of blind people through the portal, so that blind people have additional income. The benefit of this research is to ease the economic burden on visually impaired people by creating portals and applications that market their talents and guide them to achieve the goals of certain locations, the services can be accessed via the internet so every one know the talents of blind people. 

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How to Cite
Abdurrasyid, A., susanti, M., Indrianto, I., Wulandari,S.Kom, D., Agtriadi, M., Evan, R., & Sembiring, I. (2023). Pembuatan Layanan Pemesanan Jasa Pada Situs Portal Yayasan Karya Tunanetra Peduli Bangsa. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from