Pembangunan Masjid Al Madinah Sebagai Salah Satu Sarana Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Assaman Islamicity, Kota Tangerang, Provinsi Banten

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Irma Sepriyanna
Indah Handayasari
Dyah Pratiwi Kusumastuti
Sajiharjo Sajiharjo


Education can not be separated from the school. School is an educational institution that has a responsibility to students to develop all their potential. To develop students' potential, the learning process in schools is arranged in a fun and supportive learning atmosphere in the process of teaching and learning activities. One component of successful learning is school facilities such as classrooms, tables, chairs, libraries, laboratories, and others. Assaman Islamicity School manages schools based on Islamic education starting from kindergarten to junior high school. Currently, the Assaman Islamicty School does not yet have a place for religious activities such as a place for prayer, tahfidz and tahsin. Therefore, to support teaching and learning activities, a mosque, the Al Madinah Mosque, will be built. This mosque building was made with the concept of sustainable construction, where during the mosque's operation it can save electricity usage without reducing the comfort of its users. Especially during the new normal of the Covid-19 pandemic, the concept of this mosque building already has good air circulation. With the construction of the Al Madinah Mosque as one of the learning support facilities, it is hoped that it will be able to improve student learning outcomes and also shape the character of students who have noble character.

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How to Cite
Sepriyanna, I., Handayasari, I., Kusumastuti, D., & Sajiharjo, S. (2023). Pembangunan Masjid Al Madinah Sebagai Salah Satu Sarana Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Assaman Islamicity, Kota Tangerang, Provinsi Banten. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from