Fogging Disinfektan Otomatis pada Miniatur Ruangan Menggunakan Arduino Uno

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Ahmad Naufal Alfakhar
Meyhart Torsna Bangkit Sitorus


Since early 2020, Indonesia faced an unprecendented global outbreak infectious disease, named coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Precautions against the spread of this virus is by spraying disinfectant using a fogging device in a room or place that is frequently visited. By utilizing existing technology, the disinfectant fogging process can be applied in an automated system. This study will discuss about the workings and manufacture of an automatic room fogging system. With an arduino microcontroller, a laser sensor consisting of (transmitter and receiver), as well as a fogger such as a mist maker, an automatic disinfectant fogging system can be built. The method used in calculating visitors is to install 2 pairs of laser sensors, each consisting of a laser transmitter and a laser receiver, in parallel outdoors and indoors. With a pair of laser sensors to detect the direction of visitors and a pair of other laser sensors that are useful for validating the direction of previously detected visitors. This automatic fogging system is designed to be actively fogging for 10 seconds if the number of visitors in the room is reduced from a total of 1 visitor to 0 visitors and the automatic fogging system also adds an alarm system that sounds if the number of visitors in the room exceeds 20 visitors.

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How to Cite
Alfakhar, A., & Sitorus, M. (2023). Fogging Disinfektan Otomatis pada Miniatur Ruangan Menggunakan Arduino Uno. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from