Pengaruh Jenis Bilah Terhadap Daya Turbin Angin Sumbu Horizontal

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Roswati Nurhasanah
Prayudi Prayudi
Arfianto Arfianto


To improve the performance of the wind turbine, a modification of the wind turbine is carried out by varying the types of blades. The results of the variation in blade types are expected to be able to increase the efficiency and location requirements to be installed based on the wind speed obtained. In this research, simulation various types of blades will be carried out using taper blades and taperless blades with 3 blades assisted by the Q-Blade application. Variations in wind speed 1.9 m/s, 2.9 m/s, 4.8 m/s based on field data and 1 m/s, 1.4 m/s, 8 m/s based on BMKG data. With the power plan raised 250 watts. With an average wind speed of 1.4 m/s, it is obtained a power of 1.852 watts with a rotation speed of 74.2725 rpm for the taper blades, the taperless blades get 1.758 watts, 74.2725 rpm. For an average wind speed of 2.9 m/s, the taper blade has a power of 85.3809 watts with a rotation speed of 110.772 rpm. The taperless blade has a power of 91.4044 watts, 96.9255 rpm. For low wind speeds, taperless blades are more suitable, in terms of wind speed, rotation speed and the value of the resulting power coefficient.

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How to Cite
Nurhasanah, R., Prayudi, P., & Arfianto, A. (2023). Pengaruh Jenis Bilah Terhadap Daya Turbin Angin Sumbu Horizontal. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from