Observasi Awal Terhadap Morfologi Serbuk Hasil Proses Mekanokimia La(Oh)3 Dengan Gas Hidrogen

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Andika Widya Pramono


Lanthanum hydroxide or La(OH)3 is a hydroxide compound containing rare earth metals, which has potential applications in electricity. Mechanochemical or mechanical chemistry processes are the use of mechanical principles to induce chemical reactions. This study aims to observe the early morphological variations of the powder resulting from the mechanochemical process between La(OH)3 and hydrogen gas using ball milling techniques. The results of observations with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that there was aggregation or agglomeration of powder and a reduction in the size of the powder due to a long-time of ball milling.

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How to Cite
Pramono, A. (2023). Observasi Awal Terhadap Morfologi Serbuk Hasil Proses Mekanokimia La(Oh)3 Dengan Gas Hidrogen. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from https://aperti.e-journal.id/snekti/article/view/268