Sosialisasi Dan Pemanfaatan Panel Surya Untuk Fasilitas Umum Dan Penerangan Jalan Di Desa Legok, Kecamatan Legok, Kabupaten Tangerang

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Titi Ratnasari
Assistia Semiawan
Intan Ratna Sari Yanti
Ishvandono Yunaini Adnyana
Sri Yayi
Dwi Handoyo Saputro


One of the government programs that focus on meeting street lighting needs throughout Indonesia is PJU or Public Street Lighting. Generally, there are two types of PJU, namely those facilitated by the Government using PLN (Persero State Electricity Company) electricity and PJUs which are built independently using alternative electricity such as wind and solar power. If building Solar PJU (PJUTS) or PJU Sollar Cell. Among other things, installation and maintenance are easy, more environmentally friendly and will not experience disturbances or outages because they use sunlight as a source of electrical energy. As for the drawbacks, the tools and installation costs are not cheap, because the equipment is usually imported. In addition, PJUTS is very weather dependent. The light produced is less than optimal.  Street lights or also known as Public Street Lighting (PJU) are lights used for street lighting at night to make it easier for pedestrians, bicycle users, and other vehicle drivers, to see more clearly the road/terrain to be traversed at night, to improve traffic safety and security of road users from accidents and criminal activities (actions). The main function of public street lighting (PJU) is to provide artificial lighting for road users so that they feel safe in carrying out travel activities at night. 

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How to Cite
Ratnasari, T., Semiawan, A., Yanti, I., Adnyana, I., Yayi, S., & Saputro, D. (2023). Sosialisasi Dan Pemanfaatan Panel Surya Untuk Fasilitas Umum Dan Penerangan Jalan Di Desa Legok, Kecamatan Legok, Kabupaten Tangerang. PROSIDING-SNEKTI, 3(Tahun). Retrieved from